You can commission a painting. He initial sketches are rendered digitally to help the client imagine the painting. Learn about the process of commissioning a painting and price per painting. How much does it to cost to commission a painting?


I absolutely love working on custom projects for homes, offices, hotels, and spaces that will inspire you further!

Starting with a clean slate and dreaming up the most beautiful moment to only capture it with strokes of brush is truly a treasure.



1. Visiting the space if possible, lately remote existence has been the new way for the world. In this case I receive photos of the space and make a digital mock up proposal

3. Initial sketches + digital proposal with mock-up to help envision the art in your space.

3. Canvas sizes. Determined based on the space.


Commissioned paintings vary in price depending on size, materials etc. I will provide a custom quote based on your needs. Estimated costs start at $5 per sq.inch. An exact quote can be provided once we discuss the painting as final product.